2.3. Testing the Land DA Workflow

This chapter provides instructions for using the Land DA CTest suite. These steps are designed for use on Level 1 systems (i.e., Hera and Orion) and may require significant changes on other systems.


This chapter assumes that the user has already built the Land DA System according to the instructions in Section 2.1 and has access to the data provided in the most recent release. (See Table 2.1 for the locations of pre-staged data on NOAA RDHPCS [i.e., Hera and Orion].)

2.3.1. Process

From the working directory ($LANDDAROOT), navigate to build. Then run:

salloc --ntasks 8 --exclusive --qos=debug --partition=debug --time=00:30:00 --account=<account_name>
module use modulefiles && module load landda_<platform>.intel

where <account_name> corresponds to the user’s actual account name and <platform> is hera or orion.

This will allocate a compute node, load the appropriate modulefiles, and run the CTests.

2.3.2. Tests

The ERA5 CTests test the operability of seven major elements of the Land DA System: vector2tile, create_ens, letkfoi_snowda, apply_jediincr, tile2vector, land_driver, and ufs_datm_land. The tests and their dependencies are listed in the land-DA_workflow/test/CMakeLists.txt file. Currently, the CTests are only run on Hera and Orion; they cannot yet be run via container.

Table 2.3 Land DA CTests




Tests the vector-to-tile function for use in JEDI


Tests creation of a pseudo-ensemble for use in LETKF-OI.


Tests the use of LETKF-OI to assimilate snow DA.


Tests the ability to add a JEDI increment.


Tests the tile-to-vector function for use in ufs-land-driver


Tests proper functioning of ufs-land-driver


Tests proper functioning of the UFS land model (ufs-datm-lnd)