3.2. Land Data Assimilation System

This chapter describes the configuration of the offline Land Data Assimilation (DA) System, which utilizes the UFS Noah-MP component together with the jedi-bundle (Skylab v4.0) to enable cycled model forecasts. The data assimilation framework applies the Local Ensemble Transform Kalman Filter-Optimal Interpolation (LETKF-OI) algorithm to combine the state-dependent background error derived from an ensemble forecast with the observations and their corresponding uncertainties to produce an analysis ensemble (Hunt et al. [HEJKS07], 2007).

3.2.1. Joint Effort for Data Assimilation Integration (JEDI)


Users are encouraged to visit the JEDI Documentation. Much of the information in this chapter is drawn directly from there with modifications to clarify JEDI’s use specifically in the context of the Land DA System.

The Joint Effort for Data assimilation Integration (JEDI) is a unified and versatile data assimilation (DA) system for Earth System Prediction that can be run on a variety of platforms. JEDI is developed by the Joint Center for Satellite Data Assimilation (JCSDA) and partner agencies, including NOAA. The core feature of JEDI is separation of concerns. The data assimilation update, observation selection and processing, and observation operators are all coded with no knowledge of or dependency on each other or on the forecast model.

The NOAH-MP offline Land DA System uses three JEDI components:

  • The Object-Oriented Prediction System (OOPS) for the data assimilation algorithm

  • The Interface for Observation Data Access (IODA) for the observation formatting and processing

  • The Unified Forward Operator (UFO) for comparing model forecasts and observations

JEDI’s Unified Forward Operator (UFO) links observation operators with the Object Oriented Prediction System (OOPS) to compute a simulated observation given a known model state. It does not restrict observation operators based on model-specific code structures or requirements. The UFO code structure provides generic classes for observation bias correction and quality control. Within this system, IODA converts the observation data into model-specific formats to be ingested by each model’s data assimilation system. This involves model-specific data conversion efforts. Object-Oriented Prediction System (OOPS)

A data assimilation experiment requires a .yaml configuration file that specifies the details of the data assimilation and observation processing. OOPS provides the core set of data assimilation algorithms in JEDI by combining the generic building blocks required for the algorithms. The OOPS system does not require knowledge of any specific application model implementation structure or observation data information. In the Noah-MP offline Land DA System, OOPS reads the model forecast states from the restart files generated by the Noah-MP model. JEDI UFO contains generic quality control options and filters that can be applied to each observation system, without coding at certain model application levels. More information on the key concepts of the JEDI software design can be found in Trémolet and Auligné [TA20] (2020), Holdaway et al. [HVMWK20] (2020), and Honeyager et al. [HHZ+20] (2020). JEDI Configuration Files & Parameters

To create the DA experiment, the user should create or modify an experiment-specific configuration .yaml file. This .yaml file should contain certain fundamental components: geometry, window begin, window length, background, driver, local ensemble DA, output increment, and observations. These components can be implemented differently for different models and observation types, so they frequently contain distinct parameters and variable names depending on the use case. Therefore, this section of the User’s Guide focuses on assisting users with understanding and customizing these top-level configuration items in order to run Land DA experiments. Users may also reference the JEDI Documentation for additional information.

Users may find the following example GHCN.yaml configuration file to be a helpful starting point. A similar file (with user-appropriate modifications) is required by JEDI for snow data assimilation. The following subsections will explain the variables within each top-level item of the .yaml file. The GHCN.yaml file for the v1.2.0 release can be found within the cloned repository at DA_update/jedi/fv3-jedi/yaml_files/psl_develop/GHCN.yaml.

  fms initialization:
    namelist filename: Data/fv3files/fmsmpp.nml
    field table filename: Data/fv3files/field_table
  akbk: Data/fv3files/akbk64.nc4
  npx: 49
  npy: 49
  npz: 64
  field metadata override: Data/fieldmetadata/gfs-land.yaml
  time invariant fields:
    state fields:
      datetime: 2019-12-21T00:00:00Z
      filetype: fms restart
      skip coupler file: true
      state variables: [orog_filt]
      datapath: /scratch2/NAGAPE/epic/UFS_Land-DA/inputs/forcing/era5/orog_files
      filename_orog: oro_C96.mx100.nc

window begin: 2019-12-21T00:00:00Z
window length: PT24H

  date: &date 2019-12-21T00:00:00Z
    - datetime: 2019-12-21T00:00:00Z
      filetype: fms restart
      state variables: [snwdph,vtype,slmsk]
      datapath: mem_pos/
      filename_sfcd: 20191221.000000.sfc_data.nc
      filename_cplr: 20191221.000000.coupler.res
    - datetime: 2019-12-21T00:00:00Z
      filetype: fms restart
      state variables: [snwdph,vtype,slmsk]
      datapath: mem_neg/
      filename_sfcd: 20191221.000000.sfc_data.nc
      filename_cplr: 20191221.000000.coupler.res

  save posterior mean: false
  save posterior mean increment: true
  save posterior ensemble: false
  run as observer only: false

local ensemble DA:
  solver: LETKF
    rtps: 0.0
    rtpp: 0.0
    mult: 1.0

output increment:
  filetype: fms restart
  filename_sfcd: xainc.sfc_data.nc

  - obs space:
      name: SnowDepthGHCN
        name: Halo
        halo size: 250e3
      simulated variables: [totalSnowDepth]
          type: H5File
          obsfile: GHCN_2019122100.nc
          type: H5File
          obsfile: output/DA/hofx/letkf_hofx_ghcn_2019122100.nc
    obs operator:
      name: Identity
    obs error:
      covariance model: diagonal
    obs localizations:
    - localization method: Horizontal SOAR
      lengthscale: 250e3
      soar horizontal decay: 0.000021
      max nobs: 50
    - localization method: Vertical Brasnett
      vertical lengthscale: 700
    obs filters:
    - filter: Bounds Check # negative / missing snow
      filter variables:
      - name: totalSnowDepth
      minvalue: 0.0
    - filter: Domain Check # missing station elevation (-999.9)
      - variable:
          name: MetaData/height
        minvalue: -999.0
    - filter: Domain Check # land only
      - variable:
          name: GeoVaLs/slmsk
        minvalue: 0.5
        maxvalue: 1.5
    # GFSv17 only.
    #- filter: Domain Check # no sea ice
    #  where:
    #  - variable:
    #      name: fraction_of_ice@GeoVaLs
    #    maxvalue: 0.0
    - filter: RejectList  # no land-ice
      - variable:
          name: GeoVaLs/vtype
        minvalue: 14.5
        maxvalue: 15.5
    - filter: Background Check # gross error check
      filter variables:
      - name: totalSnowDepth
      threshold: 6.25
        name: reject


Any default values indicated in the sections below are the defaults set in letkfoi_snow.yaml or GHCN.yaml (found within the DA_update/jedi/fv3-jedi/yaml_files/psl_develop directory). Geometry

The geometry: section is used in JEDI configuration files to specify the model grid’s parallelization across compute nodes (horizontal and vertical).

fms initialization

This section contains two parameters, namelist filename and field table filename.

namelist filename

Specifies the path for the namelist filename.

field table filename

Specifies the path for the field table filename.


Specifies the path to a file containing the coefficients that define the hybrid sigma-pressure vertical coordinate used in FV3. Files are provided with the repository containing ak and bk for some common choices of vertical resolution for GEOS and GFS.


Specifies the number of grid cells in the east-west direction.


Specifies the number of grid cells in the north-south direction.


Specifies the number of vertical layers.

field metadata override

Specifies the path for file metadata.

time invariant state fields

This parameter contains several subparameters listed below.


Specifies the time in YYYY-MM-DDTHH:00:00Z format, where YYYY is a 4-digit year, MM is a valid 2-digit month, DD is a valid 2-digit day, and HH is a valid 2-digit hour.


Specifies the type of file. Valid values include: fms restart

skip coupler file

Specifies whether to enable skipping coupler file. Valid values are: true | false






do not enable

state variables

Specifies the list of state variables. Valid values include: [orog_filt]


Specifies the path for state variables data.


Specifies the name of orographic data file. Window begin, Window length

These two items define the assimilation window for many applications, including Land DA.

window begin:

Specifies the beginning time window. The format is YYYY-MM-DDTHH:00:00Z, where YYYY is a 4-digit year, MM is a valid 2-digit month, DD is a valid 2-digit day, and HH is a valid 2-digit hour.

window length:

Specifies the time window length. The form is PTXXH, where XX is a 1- or 2-digit hour. For example: PT6H Background

The background: section includes information on the analysis file(s) (also known as “members”) generated by the previous cycle.


Specifies the background date. The format is &date YYYY-MM-DDTHH:00:00Z, where YYYY is a 4-digit year, MM is a valid 2-digit month, DD is a valid 2-digit day, and HH is a valid 2-digit hour. For example: &date 2019-12-21T00:00:00Z


Specifies information on analysis file(s) generated by a previous cycle.


Specifies the date and time. The format is YYYY-MM-DDTHH:00:00Z, where YYYY is a 4-digit year, MM is a valid 2-digit month, DD is a valid 2-digit day, and HH is a valid 2-digit hour.


Specifies the type of file. Valid values include: fms restart

state variables

Specifies a list of state variables. Valid values: [snwdph,vtype,slmsk]


Specifies the path for state variables data. Valid values: mem_pos/ | mem_neg/. (With default experiment values, the full path will be workdir/mem000/jedi/$datapath.)


Specifies the name of the surface data file. This usually takes the form YYYYMMDD.HHmmss.sfc_data.nc, where YYYY is a 4-digit year, MM is a valid 2-digit month, DD is a valid 2-digit day, and HH is a valid 2-digit hour, mm is a valid 2-digit minute and ss is a valid 2-digit second. For example: 20191221.000000.sfc_data.nc


Specifies the name of file that contains metadata for the restart. This usually takes the form YYYYMMDD.HHmmss.coupler.res, where YYYY is a 4-digit year, MM is a valid 2-digit month, DD is a valid 2-digit day, and HH is a valid 2-digit hour, mm is a valid 2-digit minute and ss is a valid 2-digit second. For example: 20191221.000000.coupler.res Driver

The driver: section describes optional modifications to the behavior of the LocalEnsembleDA driver. For details, refer to Local Ensemble Data Assimilation in OOPS in the JEDI Documentation.

save posterior mean

Specifies whether to save the posterior mean. Valid values: true | false






do not save

save posterior mean increment

Specifies whether to save the posterior mean increment. Valid values: true | false






do not enable

save posterior ensemble

Specifies whether to save the posterior ensemble. Valid values: true | false






do not enable

run as observer only

Specifies whether to run as observer only. Valid values: true | false






do not enable Local Ensemble DA

The local ensemble DA: section configures the local ensemble DA solver package.


Specifies the type of solver. Currently, LETKF is the only available option. See Hunt et al. [HEJKS07] (2007).


Describes ensemble inflation methods.

rtps: (Default: 0.0)

Relaxation to prior spread (Whitaker and Hamill [WH12], 2012).

rtpp: (Default: 0.0)

Relaxation to prior perturbation (Zhang et al. [ZCSS04], 2004).

mult: (Default: 1.0)

Parameter of multiplicative inflation. Output Increment
output increment:

Type of file provided for the output increment. Valid values include: fms restart


Name of the file provided for the output increment. For example: xainc.sfc_data.nc Observations

The observations: item describes one or more types of observations, each of which is a multi-level YAML/JSON object in and of itself. Each of these observation types is read into JEDI as an eckit::Configuration object (see JEDI Documentation for more details). obs space:

The obs space: section of the .yaml comes under the observations.observers: section and describes the configuration of the observation space. An observation space handles observation data for a single observation type.


Specifies the name of observation space. The Land DA System uses Simulate for the default case.


Specifies the name of distribution. Valid values include: Halo

halo size

Specifies the size of the halo distribution. Format is e-notation. For example: 250e3

simulated variables

Specifies the list of variables that need to be simulated by observation operator. Valid values: [totalSnowDepth]


This section specifies information about the observation input data.


This section specifies parameters required for the file matching engine.


Specifies the type of input observation data. Valid values: H5File | OBS


Specifies the input filename.


This section contains information about the observation output data.


This section specifies parameters required for the file matching engine.


Specifies the type of output observation data. Valid values: H5File


Specifies the output file path. obs operator:

The obs operator: section describes the observation operator and its options. An observation operator is used for computing H(x).


Specifies the name in the ObsOperator and LinearObsOperator factory, defined in the C++ code. Valid values include: Identity. See JEDI Documentation for more options. obs error:

The obs error: section explains how to calculate the observation error covariance matrix and gives instructions (required for DA applications). The key covariance model, which describes how observation error covariances are created, is frequently the first item in this section. For diagonal observation error covariances, only the diagonal option is currently supported.

covariance model

Specifies the covariance model. Valid values include: diagonal obs localizations:
obs localizations:
localization method

Specifies the observation localization method. Valid values include: Horizontal SOAR



Horizontal SOAR

Second Order Auto-Regressive localization in the horizontal direction.

Vertical Brasnett

Vertical component of the localization scheme defined in Brasnett [Bra99] (1999) and used in the snow DA.


Radius of influence (i.e., maximum distance of observations from the location being updated) in meters. Format is e-notation. For example: 250e3

soar horizontal decay

Decay scale of SOAR localization function. Recommended value: 0.000021. Users may adjust based on need/preference.

max nobs

Maximum number of observations used to update each location. obs filters:

Observation filters are used to define Quality Control (QC) filters. They have access to observation values and metadata, model values at observation locations, simulated observation value, and their own private data. See Observation Filters in the JEDI Documentation for more detail. The obs filters: section contains the following fields:


Describes the parameters of a given QC filter. Valid values include: Bounds Check | Background Check | Domain Check | RejectList. See descriptions in the JEDI’s Generic QC Filters Documentation for more.

Filter Name


Bounds Check

Rejects observations whose values lie outside specified limits:

Background Check

This filter checks for bias-corrected distance between the observation value and model-simulated value (y - H(x)) and rejects observations where the absolute difference is larger than the absolute threshold or the \(threshold * observation error\) or the \(threshold * background error\).

Domain Check

This filter retains all observations selected by the where statement and rejects all others.


This is an alternative name for the BlackList filter, which rejects all observations selected by the where statement. The status of all others remains the same. Opposite of Domain Check filter.

filter variables

Limit the action of a QC filter to a subset of variables or to specific channels.


Name of the filter variable. Users may indicate additional filter variables using the name field on consecutive lines (see code snippet below). Valid values include: totalSnowDepth

filter variables:
- name: variable_1
- name: variable_2

Minimum value for variables in the filter.


Maximum value for variables in the filter.


This variable may function differently depending on the filter it is used in. In the Background Check Filter, an observation is rejected when the difference between the observation value (y) and model simulated value (H(x)) is larger than the threshold * observation error.


Indicates which action to take once an observation has been flagged by a filter. See Filter Actions in the JEDI documentation for a full explanation and list of valid values.


The name of the desired action. Valid values include: accept | reject


By default, filters are applied to all filter variables listed. The where keyword applies a filter only to observations meeting certain conditions. See the Where Statement section of the JEDI Documentation for a complete description of valid where conditions.


A list of variables to check using the where statement.


Name of a variable to check using the where statement. Multiple variable names may be listed under variable. The conditions in the where statement will be applied to all of them. For example:

filter: Domain Check # land only
  - variable:
      name: variable_1
      name: variable_2
    minvalue: 0.5
    maxvalue: 1.5

Minimum value for variables in the where statement.


Maximum value for variables in the where statement. Interface for Observation Data Access (IODA)

This section references Honeyager, R., Herbener, S., Zhang, X., Shlyaeva, A., and Trémolet, Y., 2020: Observations in the Joint Effort for Data assimilation Integration (JEDI) - UFO and IODA. JCSDA Quarterly, 66, Winter 2020.

The Interface for Observation Data Access (IODA) is a subsystem of JEDI that can handle data processing for various models, including the Land DA System. Currently, observation data sets come in a variety of formats (e.g., netCDF, BUFR, GRIB) and may differ significantly in structure, quality, and spatiotemporal resolution/density. Such data must be pre-processed and converted into model-specific formats. This process often involves iterative, model-specific data conversion efforts and numerous cumbersome ad-hoc approaches to prepare observations. Requirements for observation files and I/O handling often result in decreased I/O and computational efficiency. IODA addresses this need to modernize observation data management and use in conjunction with the various components of the Unified Forecast System (UFS).

IODA provides a unified, model-agnostic method of sharing observation data and exchanging modeling and data assimilation results. The IODA effort centers on three core facets: (i) in-memory data access, (ii) definition of the IODA file format, and (iii) data store creation for long-term storage of observation data and diagnostics. The combination of these foci enables optimal isolation of the scientific code from the underlying data structures and data processing software while simultaneously promoting efficient I/O during the forecasting/DA process by providing a common file format and structured data storage.

The IODA file format represents observational field variables (e.g., temperature, salinity, humidity) and locations in two-dimensional tables, where the variables are represented by columns and the locations by rows. Metadata tables are associated with each axis of these data tables, and the location metadata hold the values describing each location (e.g., latitude, longitude). Actual data values are contained in a third dimension of the IODA data table; for instance: observation values, observation error, quality control flags, and simulated observation (H(x)) values.

Since the raw observational data come in various formats, a diverse set of “IODA converters” exists to transform the raw observation data files into IODA format. While many of these Python-based IODA converters have been developed to handle marine-based observations, users can utilize the “IODA converter engine” components to develop and implement their own IODA converters to prepare arbitrary observation types for data assimilation within JEDI. (See https://github.com/NOAA-PSL/land-DA_update/blob/develop/jedi/ioda/imsfv3_scf2ioda_obs40.py for the Land DA IMS IODA converter.)

3.2.2. Input Files

The Land DA System requires grid description files, observation files, and restart files to perform snow DA. Grid Description Files

The grid description files appear in Section and are also used as input files to the Vector-to-Tile Converter and the UFS land component. See Table 3.4 for a description of these files. Observation Data

Observation data from 2000 and 2019 are provided in NetCDF format for the v1.2.0 release. Instructions for downloading the data are provided in Section 2.2.3, and instructions for accessing the data on Level 1 Systems are provided in Section 2.1.2. Currently, data is taken from the Global Historical Climatology Network (GHCN), but eventually, data from the U.S. National Ice Center (USNIC) Interactive Multisensor Snow and Ice Mapping System (IMS) will also be available for use. Observation Types GHCN Snow Depth Files

Snow depth observations are taken from the Global Historical Climatology Network, which provides daily climate summaries sourced from a global network of 100,000 stations. NOAA’s NCEI provides access to these snow depth and snowfall measurements through daily-generated individual station ASCII files or GZipped tar files of full-network observations on the NCEI server or Climate Data Online. Alternatively, users may acquire yearly tarballs via wget:

wget https://www1.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/ghcn/daily/by_year/{YYYY}.csv.gz

where ${YYYY} should be replaced with the year of interest. Note that these yearly tarballs contain all measurement types from the daily GHCN output, and thus, snow depth must be manually extracted from this broader data set.

These raw snow depth observations need to be converted into IODA-formatted netCDF files for ingestion into the JEDI LETKF system. However, this process was preemptively handled outside of the Land DA workflow, and the 2019 GHCN IODA files were provided by NOAA PSL (Clara Draper).

The IODA-formatted GHCN files are available in the inputs/DA/snow_depth/GHCN/data_proc/v3/ directory and are structured as follows (using 20191221 as an example):

netcdf ghcn_snwd_ioda_20191221 {
   Location = 9379 ;
   int Location(Location) ;
                Location:suggested_chunk_dim = 9379LL ;

// global attributes:
      string :_ioda_layout = "ObsGroup" ;
      :_ioda_layout_version = 0 ;
      string :converter = "ghcn_snod2ioda_newV2.py" ;
      string :date_time_string = "2019-12-21T18:00:00Z" ;
      :nlocs = 9379 ;
      :history = "Fri Aug 12 20:27:37 2022: ncrename -O -v altitude,height ./data_proc_test/nc4_ghcn_snwd_ioda_20191221.nc ./data_proc_Update/ghcn_snwd_ioda_20191221.nc" ;
      :NCO = "netCDF Operators version 4.9.1 (Homepage = http://nco.sf.net, Code = http://github.com/nco/nco)" ;

group: MetaData {
      int64 dateTime(Location) ;
         dateTime:_FillValue = -2208988800LL ;
         string dateTime:units = "seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z" ;
      float height(Location) ;
         height:_FillValue = 9.96921e+36f ;
      float latitude(Location) ;
         latitude:_FillValue = 9.96921e+36f ;
         string latitude:units = "degrees_north" ;
      float longitude(Location) ;
         longitude:_FillValue = 9.96921e+36f ;
         string longitude:units = "degrees_east" ;
      string stationIdentification(Location) ;
         string stationIdentification:_FillValue = "" ;
   } // group MetaData

group: ObsError {
      float totalSnowDepth(Location) ;
         totalSnowDepth:_FillValue = 9.96921e+36f ;
         string totalSnowDepth:coordinates = "longitude latitude" ;
         string totalSnowDepth:units = "mm" ;
   } // group ObsError

group: ObsValue {
      float totalSnowDepth(Location) ;
         totalSnowDepth:_FillValue = 9.96921e+36f ;
         string totalSnowDepth:coordinates = "longitude latitude" ;
         string totalSnowDepth:units = "mm" ;
   } // group ObsValue

group: PreQC {
      int totalSnowDepth(Location) ;
         totalSnowDepth:_FillValue = -2147483647 ;
         string totalSnowDepth:coordinates = "longitude latitude" ;
   } // group PreQC

The primary observation variable is totalSnowDepth, which, along with the metadata fields of datetime, latitude, longitude, and height is defined along the nlocs dimension. Also present are ObsError and PreQC values corresponding to each totalSnowDepth measurement on nlocs. These values were attributed during the IODA conversion step (not supported for this release). The magnitude of nlocs varies between files; this is due to the fact that the number of stations reporting snow depth observations for a given day can vary in the GHCN. Observation Location and Processing GHCN

GHCN files for 2000 and 2019 are already provided in IODA format for the v1.2.0 release. Table 2.1.2 indicates where users can find data on NOAA RDHPCS platforms. Tar files containing the 2000 and 2019 data are located in the publicly-available Land DA Data Bucket. Once untarred, the snow depth files are located in /inputs/DA/snow_depth/GHCN/data_proc/{YEAR}. The 2019 GHCN IODA files were provided by Clara Draper (NOAA PSL). Each file follows the naming convention of ghcn_snwd_ioda_${YYYY}${MM}${DD}.nc, where ${YYYY} is the four-digit cycle year, ${MM} is the two-digit cycle month, and ${DD} is the two-digit cycle day.

In each experiment, the DA_config file sets the name of the experiment configuration file. This configuration file is typically named settings_DA_test. Before assimilation, if “GHCN” was specified as the observation type in the DA_config file, the ghcn_snwd_ioda_${YYYY}${MM}${DD}.nc file corresponding to the specified cycle date is soft-linked to the JEDI working directory (${JEDIWORKDIR}) with a naming-convention change (i.e., GHCN_${YYYY}${MM}${DD}${HH}.nc). Here, the GHCN IODA file is appended with the cycle hour, ${HH} which is extracted from the ${STARTDATE} variable defined in the relevant DA_config file.

Prior to ingesting the GHCN IODA files via the LETKF at the DA analysis time, the observations are further quality controlled and checked using letkf_land.yaml (itself a concatenation of GHCN.yaml and letkfoi_snow.yaml; see the GitHub yaml files for more detail). The GHCN-specific observation filters, domain checks, and quality control parameters from GHCN.yaml ensure that only snow depth observations which meet specific criteria are assimilated (the rest are rejected). The contents of GHCN.yaml are listed below:

- obs space:
    name: SnowDepthGHCN
      name: Halo
      halo size: 250e3
    simulated variables: [totalSnowDepth]
        type: H5File
        type: H5File
        obsfile: output/DA/hofx/letkf_hofx_ghcn_XXYYYYXXMMXXDDXXHH.nc
  obs operator:
    name: Identity
  obs error:
    covariance model: diagonal
  obs localizations:
  - localization method: Horizontal SOAR
    lengthscale: 250e3
    soar horizontal decay: 0.000021
    max nobs: 50
  - localization method: Vertical Brasnett
    vertical lengthscale: 700
  obs filters:
  - filter: Bounds Check # negative / missing snow
    filter variables:
    - name: totalSnowDepth
    minvalue: 0.0
  - filter: Domain Check # missing station elevation (-999.9)
    - variable:
        name: MetaData/height
      minvalue: -999.0
  - filter: Domain Check # land only
    - variable:
        name: GeoVaLs/slmsk
      minvalue: 0.5
      maxvalue: 1.5
  # GFSv17 only.
  #- filter: Domain Check # no sea ice
  #  where:
  #  - variable:
  #      name: fraction_of_ice@GeoVaLs
  #    maxvalue: 0.0
  - filter: RejectList  # no land-ice
    - variable:
        name: GeoVaLs/vtype
      minvalue: 14.5
      maxvalue: 15.5
  - filter: Background Check # gross error check
    filter variables:
    - name: totalSnowDepth
    threshold: 6.25
      name: reject Viewing NetCDF Files

Users can view file information and notes for NetCDF files using the instructions in Section For example, on Orion:

# Load modules:
module load intel/2022.1.2 impi/2022.1.2 netcdf/4.7.4
ncdump -h /work/noaa/epic/UFS_Land-DA/inputs/DA/snow_depth/GHCN/data_proc/v3/2019/ghcn_snwd_ioda_20191221.nc

to see the contents of the 2019-12-21 GHCN file on Hera. Users may need to modify the module load command and the file path to reflect module versions/file paths that are available on their system. Restart Files

To restart the UFS land driver successfully after land model execution, all parameters, states, and fluxes used for a subsequent time iteration are stored in a restart file. This restart file is named ufs_land_restart.{FILEDATE}.nc where FILEDATE is in YYYY-MM-DD_HH-mm-SS format (e.g., ufs_land_restart.2019-12-21_00-00-00.nc). The restart file contains all the model fields and their values at a specific point in time; this information can be used to restart the model immediately to run the next cycle. The Land DA System reads the states from the restart file and replaces them after the DA step with the updated analysis. Table 3.5 lists the fields in the Land DA restart file. Within the UFS land driver (submodule ufs-land-driver-emc-dev), read/write of the restart file is performed in ufsLandNoahMPRestartModule.f90.

Table 3.5 Files Included in ufs_land_restart.{FILEDATE}.nc


Long name




“seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00”


time step



Vegetation fraction



surface emissivity



surface albedo - direct visible



surface albedo - direct NIR



surface albedo - diffuse visible



surface albedo - diffuse NIR



deep soil temperature



surface exchange coefficient for momentum



surface exchange coefficient heat & moisture



height of forcing



maximum fractional coverage of vegetation



grid composite albedo



snow water equivalent



snow depth



surface radiative temperature



volumetric moisture content in soil level



temperature in soil level



volumetric liquid content in soil level



canopy moisture content



plant transpiration



friction velocity



surface roughness



snow cover fraction



diagnostic specific humidity at surface



soil heat flux



drainage runoff



latent heat flux



sensible heat flux



potential evaporation



surface runoff



direct soil latent heat flux



canopy water latent heat flux



sublimation/deposit from snowpack



total soil column moisture content



precipitation advected heat - total



cosine of zenith angle



active snow levels



leaf temperature



ground temperature



canopy ice



canopy liquid



water vapor pressure in canopy air space



temperature in canopy air space



fraction of canopy covered by water



snow water equivalent - before integration



snow albedo - before integration






depth of water in lake



depth to water table



aquifer water content



aquifer + saturated soil water content



carbon in leaves



carbon in roots



carbon in stems



carbon in wood



stable carbon in soil



fast carbon in soil



leaf area index



stem area index



BATS non-dimensional snow age



soil water content between bottom of the soil and water table



deep recharge for runoff_option 5



recharge for runoff_option 5



grid diagnostic temperature at 2 meters



grid diagnostic specific humidity at 2 meters



equilibrium soil water content



snow level temperature



layer-bottom depth from snow surface



ice content of snow levels



liquid content of snow levels


The restart files also include one text file, ${FILEDATE}.coupler.res, which contains metadata for the restart.

Example of ${FILEDATE}.coupler.res:

2        (Calendar: no_calendar=0, thirty_day_months=1, julian=2, gregorian=3, noleap=4)
2019     12     22     0     0     0    Model start time:   year, month, day, hour, minute, second
2019     12     22     0     0     0    Current model time: year, month, day, hour, minute, second

3.2.3. DA Workflow Overview

The cycling Noah-MP offline DA run is initiated using do_submit_cycle.sh to call the submit_cycle.sh script. submit_cycle.sh calls a third script (do_landDA.sh) if DA has been activated in the experiment.


The offline Noah-MP model runs in vector space, whereas a cycling Noah-MP offline DA job uses JEDI’s tiled cubed-sphere (FV3) format. Section 3.1.2 describes the Vector-to-Tile Converter that maps between these two formats. do_submit_cycle.sh

The do_submit_cycle.sh script sets up the cycling job based on the user’s input settings. Figure 3.1 illustrates the steps in this process.

The do submit cycle shell script starts by loading configuration files and modules. Then it proceeds to set executables, read in dates, compute forecast run variables, and setup work and output directories for the model. If a restart directory is available in the model output directory, it creates the dates file and submits the submit cycle shell script. If there is no output file, the script will try to copy restart files from an initial conditions directory before creating the dates file and submitting the submit cycle shell script.

Fig. 3.1 Flowchart of ‘do_submit_cycle.sh’

First, do_submit_cycle.sh reads in a configuration file for the cycle settings. This file contains the information required to run the cycle: the experiment name, start date, end date, the paths of the working directory (i.e., workdir) and output directories, the length of each forecast, atmospheric forcing data, the Finite-Volume Cubed-Sphere Dynamical Core (FV3) resolution and its paths, the number of cycles per job, the directory with initial conditions, a namelist file for running Land DA, and different DA options. Then, the required modules are loaded, and some executables are set for running the cycle. The restart frequency and running day/hours are computed from the inputs, and directories are created for running DA and saving the DA outputs. If restart files are not in the experiment output directory, the script will try to copy the restart files from the ICSDIR directory, which should contain initial conditions files if restart files are not available. Finally, the script creates the dates file (analdates.sh) and submits the submit_cycle.sh script, which is described in detail in the next section. submit_cycle.sh

The submit_cycle.sh script first exports the required paths and loads the required modules. Then, it reads the dates file and runs through all the steps for submitting a cycle if the count of dates is less than the number of cycles per job (see Figure 3.2).

The submit cycle shell script starts by exporting paths and loading required modules. Then it starts a loop for the cycle. For each cycle in the experiment, it gets the data assimilation settings and date/time info; computes the restart frequency, run days, and run hours; and copies the restarts into the work directory. If the user is running a DA experiment, the script updates and submits the vector to tile namelists and submits the snow data assimilation. Then it submits the tile to vector namelists and saves the analysis restart. Regardless of whether DA is being used, the script runs the forecast model, updates the model namelist, and submits the land surface model. It checks existing model output, and then the loop ends. If there are more cycles to run, the script will run through this loop until they are complete.

Fig. 3.2 Flowchart of ‘submit_cycle.sh’

As the script loops through the steps in the process for each cycle, it reads in the DA settings and selects a run type — either DA or openloop (which skips DA). Required DA settings include: DA algorithm choice, directory paths for JEDI, Land_DA (where the do_landDA.sh script is located), JEDI’s input observation options, DA window length, options for constructing .yaml files, etc.

Next, the system designates work and output directories and copies restart files into the working directory. If the DA option is selected, the script calls the vector2tile function and tries to convert the format of the Noah-MP model in vector space to the JEDI tile format used in FV3 cubed-sphere space. After the vector2tile is done, the script calls the data assimilation job script (do_landDA.sh) and runs this script. Then, the tile2vector function is called and converts the JEDI output tiles back to vector format. The converted vector outputs are saved, and the forecast model is run. Then, the script checks the existing model outputs. Finally, if the current date is less than the end date, this same procedure will be processed for the next cycle.


The v1.2.0 release of Land DA does not support ensemble runs. Thus, the first ensemble member (mem000) is the only ensemble member.

Here is an example of a configuration settings file, settings_DA_cycle_era5, for the submit_cycle.sh script:

# experiment name
export exp_name=DA_ERA5_test
#export BASELINE=hera.internal


# Get commmon variables
source ./release.environment

#forcing options: gswp3, era5
export atmos_forc=era5

# for LETKF, this is size of ensemble.
# for LETKF-OI pseudo ensemble, or non-ensemble runs use 1
export ensemble_size=1

# length of each forecast
export FCSTHR=24

#FV3 resolution
export RES=96
if [[ $BASELINE =~ 'hera.internal' ]]; then
   export TPATH=/scratch2/NCEPDEV/land/data/fix/C96.mx100_frac/
   export TPATH="$LANDDA_INPUTS/forcing/${atmos_forc}/orog_files/"
export TSTUB="oro_C96.mx100" # file stub for orography files in $TPATH
                           # oro_C${RES} for atm only, oro_C${RES}.mx100 for atm/ocean.

# number of cycles to submit in a single job
export cycles_per_job=1

# directory with initial conditions
# can find some here:/scratch2/BMC/gsienkf/Clara.Draper/DA_test_cases/land-offline_workflow/offline_ICS/single
export ICSDIR=$LANDDAROOT/inputs/forcing/${atmos_forc}/orog_files/

# namelist for do_landDA.sh
# set to "openloop" to not call do_landDA.sh
export DA_config="settings_DA_test"

# if want different DA at different times, list here.
export DA_config00=${DA_config}
export DA_config06=${DA_config}
export DA_config12=${DA_config}
export DA_config18=${DA_config} Parameters for submit_cycle.sh


Specifies the name of experiment.


Specifies the experiment start date. The form is YYYYMMDDHH, where YYYY is a 4-digit year, MM is a valid 2-digit month, DD is a valid 2-digit day, and HH is a valid 2-digit hour.


Specifies the experiment end date. The form is YYYYMMDDHH, where YYYY is a 4-digit year, MM is a valid 2-digit month, DD is a valid 2-digit day, and HH is a valid 2-digit hour.


Specifies the path to a temporary directory from which the experiment is run.


Specifies the path to a directory where experiment output is saved.


Specifies the size of the ensemble (i.e., number of ensemble members). Use 1 for non-ensemble runs.


Specifies the length of each forecast in hours.


Specifies the name of the atmospheric forcing data. Valid values include: gdas | era5


Specifies the resolution of FV3. Valid values: C96


Other resolutions are possible but not supported for this release.


Specifies the path to the directory containing the orography files.


Specifies the file stub/name for orography files in TPATH. This file stub is named oro_C${RES} for atmosphere-only orography files and oro_C{RES}.mx100 for atmosphere and ocean orography files.


Specifies the number of cycles to submit in a single job.


Specifies the path to a directory containing initial conditions data.


Configuration setting file for do_landDA.sh. Set DA_config to openloop to skip data assimilation (and prevent a call do_landDA.sh).


Configuration setting file for do_landDA.sh at XX hr. If users want to perform DA experiment at different times, list these in the configuration setting file. Set to openloop to skip data assimilation (and prevent a call do_landDA.sh). do_landDA.sh

The do_landDA.sh runs the data assimilation job inside the sumbit_cycle.sh script. Currently, the only DA option is the snow Local Ensemble Transform Kalman Filter-Optimal Interpolation (LETKF-OI, Frolov et al. [FJSWD22], 2022). Figure 3.3 describes the workflow of this script.

The do land da shell script starts by reading in the configuration file and setting up directories. Then it formats date strings, stages restart files, and prepares the observation files. It constructs yaml files based on requested JEDI type and then proceeds to create the background ensembles using LETKF-OI. Next, the script runs JEDI and applies the increment to use restarts. Lastly, it performs clean-up operations.

Fig. 3.3 Flowchart of ‘do_landDA.sh’

First, to run the DA job, do_landDA.sh reads in the configuration file and sets up the directories. The date strings are formatted for the current date and previous date. For each tile, restarts are staged to apply the JEDI update. In this stage, all files will get directly updated. Then, the observation files are read and prepared for this job. Once the JEDI type is determined, .yaml files are constructed. Note that if the user specifies a .yaml file, the script uses that one. Otherwise, the script builds the .yaml files. For LETKF-OI, a pseudo-ensemble is created by running the python script (letkf_create_ens.py). Once the ensemble is created, the script runs JEDI and applies increment to UFS restarts.

Below, users can find an excerpt of a configuration settings file, settings_DA_template, for the do_landDA.sh script:


# DA options




#JEDI_EXECDIR=   # JEDI FV3 build directory
#IODA_BUILD_DIR= # JEDI IODA-converter source directory
#fv3bundle_vn= # date for JEDI fv3 bundle checkout (used to select correct yaml)

Specifies the path to the do_landDA.sh script.


Specifies the observation type. Format is “Obs1” “Obs2”. Currently, only GHCN observation data is available.


Specifies the JEDI call type for each observation type above. Format is “type1” “type2”. Valid values: DA | HOFX




Data assimilation


A generic application for running the model forecast (or reading forecasts from file) and computing H(x)


Specifies the DA window length. It is generally the same as the FCSTLEN.


Specifies whether to construct the .yaml name based on requested observation types and their availabilities. Valid values: construct | desired YAML name




Enable constructing the YAML

desired YAML name

Will not test for availability of observations


Specifies the JEDI FV3 build directory. If using different JEDI version, users will need to edit the .yaml files with the desired directory path.


Specifies the date for JEDI fv3-bundle checkout (used to select correct .yaml).